

Pillars of Eternity Equipment Database: Search Results
Expedition Log Page
Category: Document

How Obtained:
  • Endless Paths of Od Nua (Level 5) - Found on table

This appears to be a page torn from some larger text.

"Sceyda did not make it. I know Merec tried his best.

'No point in turning back now. That's what Merec is saying. I think the point is leaving these ruins alive. We have lost half of our people already, and I am not sure how we are meant to survive this place, especially with Sceyda gone. The gods were kind to let us find that study and the books there. Those tomes would fetch a good price in and of themselves. We don't need to go any further.

But that seal has stirred his blood. He's sure we'll find more Engwithan relics below. Every step takes us further from a guaranteed haul, and deeper into unknown territory. I don't know what madness has gripped him.

I cannot stop thinking about Edriga. The way she screamed."